Our Impact
"Thousands of students show up at Buncombe County schools every day. They all show up differently. They bring what's happening to them and their lived circumstance. Our job at Buncombe County Schools Foundation, is to provide the support so we can meet those students where they are and help them get where they want to be."
Jason Walls District Manager Duke Energy, BCSF Board Member
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Buncombe County School Foundation. Education shapes the lives of everyone in our community. It enhances knowledge and brings positive change. It is essential to creating economic growth. Buncombe County Schools serves over 22,000 students from all walks of life. Achievement is different for each child and their needs must be addressed accordingly.
Buncombe County Schools Foundation plays a greater role in Buncombe County Schools' funding than any other time in its 39-year history. Each year Buncombe County Schools Foundation raises funds from public, private, and corporate donors to support a wide range of programs and opportunities designed to give students and teachers what they need to succeed. While the school system does an extraordinary job working to meet these needs, it takes our entire community to help support these efforts.
Your donations help us continue to meet the needs of our school children.Through our annual giving campaign and fundraising events, the Foundation's funds benefit Buncombe County students-every day of the week.
We encourage all those who value education to imagine what may be possible when ali students learn daily without limits.

Education is the key to success for all our young people as they move forward to create careers and families and become citizens of Western North Carolina and the world. During the 2022 school year, the Foundation was pleased to award 132 scholarships totaling over $400,000 to 90 outstanding seniors from Buncombe County Schools. We're proud to recognize the Foundation, support, and honor these students. They are our bright stars - our next innovators, leaders, and valued members of our community.
As students continue their educational journey, Buncombe County Schools Foundation is here to help and support them. Scholarships are made possible through public and private donations.
When you support or establish a scholarship with your gift, you partner with the Buncombe County Schools Foundation to ensure all our students receive the resources and opportunities they need to thrive and realize their dreams. Scholarships can be in honor of someone, in memory of someone, or a class project (Class of 1991 BCS High School, etc). To endow a scholarship, funds must reach $25,000. Individual scholarship amounts vary.

BCS Foundation recognizes and applauds educators' hard work each day to ensure students' success. BCSF Teacher Innovation Grants provide additional funds to help maximize learning in classrooms, grade levels, schools, and/or the school system.
AII educators are encouraged to apply for grants when the grant cycles open in September and January. Grants are awarded in various amounts depending on the requests.
In 2022-23, the Foundation awarded over $40,000 to 75 educators.
When you support BCSF grant funding, you help us expand and enhance classroom learning, helping us meet the needs of students and teachers.

Imagine being able to make a difference in students' lives! The Learning Society unites those who believe in public education and the ability of our students to be safe and succeed in today's world. Learning Society members may serve on the scholarship committee, grant committee, development committee, marketing committee, etc. Membership in the Learning Society starts with a $1,000 contribution to help our students and educators. Larger donations are much appreciated. This is an exciting venture far the Foundation, and we invite you to be a part of this unique group.
Thank you to the 2022 Learning Society Inaugural Class Members (*) and the Class of 2023 Members (***). The (**) indicates members in both classes.
Mr. Brad Allen- Brad Allen Construction*** Ms. Becky Anderson* Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Jennifer Anderson** Dr. Tony Baldwin and Dr. Jan Webster* Mr. and Mrs. George W. Beverly, Jr.** Mr. and Mrs. Denniston Crews* Ms. Sheila Elingburg and Mr. Bob Maxwell** Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Frederick ** Ms. Deborah Frisby* Dr. and Mrs. Edgardo Diez** Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodge** Ms. Patsy Keever** Mr. Rick Manske** Ms. Mary Frances McAbee** Mr. and Mrs. Roger Metcalf** Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver** Mr. and Mrs. Chip and Kim Plemmons* Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ramsey** Mr. Robert C. Roberts** Mr. and Mrs. Dean Shatley* Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Jill Sizemore** Ms. Pat Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Steve South** Mr. Mike Summey** Mr. John Teeter** Mrs. Karen Tessier** Mr. and Mrs. James Turner* Mr. Jason Walls** Mr. Glenn W. Wilcox, Sr.** Ms. Teresa Van Duyn* Mrs. Nancy Wright, Surry Insurance** |

Where Education and Workforce Unite
SMART Scholars is a program to help build the local workforce through SkilledTrades. Think ofit as growing our community's workforce. Scholarships help with expenses so graduates can advance their skills and knowledge while they are on the job or in training.
Five $1000.00 scholarships were awarded in 2023.
Why is SMART Scholars important?
Skilled trades careers are in
high demand and pay great wages.
Everyone is impacted by someone in the skilled trades every day.
Graduates can attend a community college, be an apprentice, or receive on-the-job training.
Choose your career and the training platform that is driven by the industry.

Who is SMART Scholars for? Anyone and Everyone! SMART Scholars combine education and workforce skills!
SMART Scholars provides:
Industry Opportunities that move the workforce forward
Education that is career-oriented: Two-year degree, four-year degree, certification, and credencial
Workforce experience, on-the-job training, internships, apprenticeships
Get to your career quickly and earn while you learn!
Examples of Skilled Trades Careers

And many more careers that need specialized skills!
Examples of the programs BCSF offers:

Teacher of the Year
Celebrating the teachers and their achievements
Annually the BCS Teacher of the Year receives a $2000 check from the Foundation to be used in his/her classroom/school.
HomeTrust Bank Is our current sponsor.
Additionally, we'd like raise funds to support add1tional Teacher of the Year recognitions which would include:
$50 grants for professional development to each of the 45 school winners = $2250
$100 grants for professional development to our 7 district winners = $700
500 grant for Ruth Henderson Award winner = $500
$2550 for the Awards Ceremony
Total cost of the additional awards: $6000 Total program costs: $8000.00

Principal of the Year
Honoring those who lead and guide learning
Annually, the BCS Principal of the Year receives a $2000 check from the Foundation to be used in his/her school.
First Citizens Bank Is our current program sponsor.
Total program cost: $2000

BCS Total Child Needs
Buncombe County Schools students come from all walks of life. Some students may not have the money for school meals as food insecurity is a huge challenge for many families. Over 500 students in our district are considered homeless: They do not have permanent, stable housing and need technology assistance to complete assignments and stay engaged.
Whatever the need, the Buncombe County Schools Foundation stands ready to assist the schools and the system to ensure students can graduate and become contributing citizens in Buncombe County.
Any amount is appreciatedl
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Amount: | |
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Email & Phone: |
Please visit the BCSF website or contact Christy Cheek at 828-230-4190. BCSF is a 501 (c)3 organization
''The support provided from the Foundation was truly life-changing for me.' - Jamie Johnson
l served 7 years as principal of North Buncombe Middle School and am now an Assistant Superintendent for the school system. My professional career began 25 years ago in large part because of the generosity of the Buncombe County Schools Foundation.
Buncombe County has always been home to me. While a student, my family experienced many challenges. I always wanted to attend college to further my education, to better provide for myself and my family. The BCS Foundation scholarship helped pay for my first year of college. This simple act of kindness and generosity gave me the confidence to attend college.
I received my undergraduate degree from Mars Hill University and began teaching in Buncombe County. I now have a Master's Degree, a Doctorate from Western Carolina University, and fifteen years as an administrator in BCS. As a student, and now an administrator, l have been privileged to see how the Foundation supports staff and students. lt has been a pleasure to be a part of such a wonderful organization.
In addition to the support provided to me, the Foundation also assisted my children to attend college. My son is currently enrolled at Emory University in Atlanta, while my daughter is a student at UNC-Chapel Hill. Each of my children were awarded a Foundation scholarship. The Foundation relieves much of the stress for students and families so they can simply focus on preparation for college without the full financial burden.
1 am incredibly grateful not only for the positive impact the Foundation had on my life and career path, but the jumpstart it has given my children on their own paths toward higher education. lt is a blessing to have been on the receiving end of the Foundation's generosity, and also to see how their giving supports students each and every day.

Thank you for considering Buncombe County Schools Foundation.