The Learning Society:
Educational Philanthropy Making a Difference in Public Education
Imagine being able to make a difference in students' lives! The Learning Society unites those who believe in public education and the ability of our students to be safe and succeed in today's world. Learning Society members may serve on the scholarship committee, grant committee, development committee, marketing committee, etc. Membership in the Learning Society starts with a $1,000 contribution to help our students and educators. Larger donations are much appreciated. This is an exciting venture for the Foundation, and we invite you to be a part of this unique group.
Thank you to the 2022 Learning Society Inaugural Class Members (*) and the Class of 2023 Members (***). The (**) indicates members in both classes.
Mr. Brad Allen- Brad Allen Construction***
Ms. Becky Anderson*
Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Jennifer Anderson**
Dr. Tony Baldwin and Dr. Jan Webster*
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Beverly, Jr.**
Mr. and Mrs. Denniston Crews*
Ms. Sheila Elingburg and Mr. Bob Maxwell**
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Frederick **
Ms. Deborah Frisby*
Dr. and Mrs. Edgardo Diez**
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodge**
Ms. Patsy Keever**
Mr. Rick Manske**
Ms. Mary Frances McAbee**
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Metcalf**
Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver**
Mr. and Mrs. Chip and Kim Plemmons* Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ramsey**
Mr. Robert C. Roberts**
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Shatley*
Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Jill Sizemore**
Ms. Pat Smith*
Mr. and Mrs. Steve South**
Mr. Mike Summey**
Mr. John Teeter**
Mrs. Karen Tessier**
Mr. and Mrs. James Turner*
Mr. Jason Walls**
Mr. Glenn W. Wilcox, Sr.**
Mrs. Teresa Van Duyn*
Mrs. Nancy Wright, Surry Insurance**