Due to snow-covered roads in several parts of Buncombe County, events scheduled at all Buncombe County Schools for today, Jan. 20, 2025, will be canceled.. Stay safe!

Due to worsening conditions forecast for the midday hours, for the safety of our Nutrition team members, BCS will not be able to serve lunch at its usual remote learning day meal sites today, 1/10/25. Please stay safe!

FRI 1/10/25: Remote Learning Day/Optional Teacher Workday. More details in email. Stay safe! #TogetherWeRise

Winter break is here! Students return 1/6. Wishing your family a peaceful, happy holiday season!

Reminder: Before you go to bed Saturday night, set back your clock one hour, as we return to standard time. All Buncombe County Schools resume regular schedules beginning Monday, Nov. 4.

REMINDER: All Buncombe County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay for students each day Monday, Oct. 28 through Friday, Nov. 1. #TogetherWeRise

Hello, BCS families and teammates! Visit bit.ly/BCSlinks to see the latest community resources. #GraceAndStrength #TogetherWeRise

BCS families and teammates, thank you for all of your efforts at home and in the community to recover from the devastation of the hurricane. Our hearts continue to be with you.
We want to let you know Buncombe County Schools will remain closed until it is safe to open. That will require power and water restored to our buildings. We are grateful to the repair crews who are working hard to make that happen. However, there is substantial work to be done. To help families plan, we will give you adequate notice when we know a date when it is safe for Buncombe County Schools to reopen.
Please continue to take care of yourself and your family. Our theme for this year is “Together We Rise” - and recovering for this storm will demonstrate that. Thank you so much!

Based on the Hurricane's tremendous impacts to our families and neighborhoods, the decision has been made to close all Buncombe County Schools for the entire week, Monday Sept. 30 through Friday Oct. 4. These will be annual leave days for staff. In the days, weeks, and months ahead, the school system is committed to continue supporting our families and staff. We hope you and your family continue to be safe. We'll continue to keep you updated as our team works to safely reopen our schools. Thank you.

As our area continues to cope with impacts of Hurricane Helene, Buncombe County Schools will be closed Mon 9/30 and Tue 10/1. Both days are annual leave days. As our school system continues working with local emergency management officials, we will keep you updated about schedules for the coming days. Please stay safe!

📚✏️ Back to School Drive Alert! ✏️📚
Join BCSO School Resource Officers and help our students start the year right! 🎒✨
What to Donate:
- Backpacks 🎒
- Notebooks 📓
- Pencils ✏️
- Pens 🖊️
- Crayons 🖍️
- Markers 🖌️
- Rulers 📏
- Glue Sticks 🧴
- Scissors ✂️
- Binders 📁
- Hand Sanitizer 🧼
- And all other school related items! 📚
🌟 Drop off your donations at the Walmart at 1636 Hendersonville Road
🗓️ Friday, August 16 - 8 AM to 8 PM
🗓️ Saturday, August 17 - 8 AM to 6 PM

Our students had a blast at the Southern Conference Education Days at Harrah's Cherokee Center - Asheville! Students enjoyed a morning of high-energy basketball fun, and found inspiration in talented college athletes, musicians, and performers! Special thanks to the Regional Sports Commission, Harrah's, and the Southern Conference for making these rewarding days possible! Check the BCS Facebook for more photos!

State Employees Credit Union announces their 2024 People Helping People Scholarship!
Seniors, please find the scholarship information at https://foundation.buncombeschools.org/o/foundation/page/2024-secu-people-helping-people-scholarship
For more information contact your school counselor or the BCSF office.

Attention, BCS Staff:
We hope you are having a wonderful summer. Don't forget to check our Employee Values page regularly for local special discounts just for educators.

☑️Vote for the Buncombe County Schools Foundation to win one of 12 grants being awarded by The Community Betterment Foundation in honor of the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce's 125th Anniversary!
Through July 31, you can support Buncombe County Schools Foundation in its mission to build a strong and dynamic foundation for Buncombe County Schools students and educators. Please vote for the Foundation once a day to win one of twelve $10,000 grants in partnership with the Asheville Chamber of Commerce. There is strength in numbers; together, we are more through this powerful collaboration- “Building Community Through Business.”
Vote once a day to support BCS students, educators, and faculty. Follow this link:
Learn more: https://www.ashevillechamber.org/.../celebrating-125-years/

Breakfast and lunch will be provided at no cost to all students next school year!
We are pleased to inform you that Buncombe County Schools will be implementing a program available to schools participating in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Programs called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). We will also implement Universal Meals at Nesbitt Discovery Academy (NDA).
What does this mean for you and your child(ren)?
Great news! All enrolled students at Buncombe County Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no cost to your household each day of the school year. Parents (except those with students at NDA), there are no action steps for you to take at this time to participate in this program. We look forward to serving your students beginning August 28, 2023.
NDA parents will receive separate instructions regarding Universal Meals.
If you have any questions about this letter, please contact us at Buncombe Schools Nutrition Office, 828 255-5932.

Kindergarten Tours are happening the rest of the month of March. Don't miss this great opportunity to get to know your community school and see why Buncombe County Schools is the best choice for your child. Learn more about enrollment: https://www.buncombeschools.org/o/bcs/page/enrollment

We invite everyone to tomorrow's welcome reception for Dr. Jackson! We are excited to be able to host this event for him at Nesbitt Discovery Academy from 2pm-4pm.

All Buncombe County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay for students tomorrow, January 13.